Mad Maxon

I came across the-US based Experimental Airlines which is an excellent resource on constructing easy models from foam board (the stuff that’s used for temporary signs in meeting rooms). They have access to a chain of stores called the ‘Dollar Tree’ which I guess are a bit like the British Poundland and similar. It’s expanded polystyrene foam sandwiched between to really thin layers of paper. The paper isn’t glued on but rather pressed on by rolling and pressure during extruding of the foam.

Encontro de Aeromodelismo

Meeting of Aeromodelling The annual public open day was held today at the aerodromo. Yes, I know I’m missing some accents (it should be Aeródrom for example) but I’m and English expat typing on an English keyboard. To make accents my fingers have to dance on the keys like a demented octopus and I just can’t be bothered on a simple blog post. Aeromodelling enthusiasts visit from many clubs all over Portugal and a good time is had by all, with food, drink, talking and of course flying.


As well as microlights, ultralights and of course modelling, there are occasional paramotor (real ones, not my model) visits of people from the aerodromo at Alvor, about 15km east of Lagos. There is also JC with his new paraglider wing who was just testing it on the ground for the first time. JC also flies his Drone here.

Carlos and his Edge 540T

Carlos and his absolutely gorgeous Edge540 at the aerodromo. It’s a wee gas-powered beasty and looks fantastic flying. My better half can see this flying from our apartment balcony from 1km away. Pity it can’t be heard though :)

I'm not the only one

It’s not just me. See. This rather nice model crashed into the hill at the edge of the aerodromo and a rescue party had to go and retrieve it. it’s about a 2km drive to the nearest you can get to the (far side of the) hill due to the river surrounding the aerodromo on three sides. Then it’s a fairly tough climb down the hill. You really need to be a mountain goat.