Carlos very kindly took me to an aeromodelismo meeting at the HC-012 club near Cercal do Alentejo, about a 2 hour drive from here.
I took the Calmato and the Titan 58 wing, Carlos took all the models in the world. How it all fitted I don’t know, but it became clear that he must be pretty good at jigsaaw puzzles.
The strip seemed to be pretty small and on a slope. That didnt’ seem to worry anyone except me!
Damn it, my very first landing resulted in a sheared motor spindle. It was a normal landing so unlucky. I guess.
Carlos’ not-cub Cub had an engine fail just as he was going-around. Hit the
bush, rolled over the top and landed (almost) unscathed in the field. Bent nosewheel.
Helder sure knows how to fly his Yak!
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