Since were now a multicopter family, I thought I’d have a go at building a multicopter. Madam’s excellent quadcopter will take some beating so to be different I went for a tricopter.
Built from some aluminium square rod from the local AKI and laser-cut plywood for the central hub. The arms can collapse towards the tail for easy storage and transport.
KK2 flight controller, DT750 brushless motors and a BMS380-DMAX servo for
the tail.
A quadcopter rotates in the yaw axis by slowing down an opposite pair of motors slightly and speeding up the other opposite pair to let the torque reaction do it’s thing. Tricopters can’t do that because there are only three motors. Instead the tail motor and propeller sit on a movable platform controlled by a servo which can direct the thrust left or right to turn.
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